About ME
My name is Adam Sandor and I’m the teacher at Jodo Atlanta.
I have been practicing jodo for several years, and attained the rank of sandan (3rd dan). I have been learning from several senseis. Seitei Jodo in America is primarily taught by Thomas Groendal-sensei at Hoshu Dojo in Seattle. His teachings are what primarily sculpt my practice, as I learn from him and other senseis who have learned from him. I have practiced with other senseis in America who primarily study the older style Shinto-Muso Ryu, but Seitei Jodo is my focus.
I have trained in several different martial arts:
Kendo, Aikido, Iaido, HEMA Longsword (current), HEMA Dussack (current), and Tae Kwon Do.
There is a stereotypical phrase in martial arts, “You’ve done it once, now do it 10,000 more times.“ I believe in practicing this way. I may describe a technique, but showing and doing is the most important aspect of training.